The CRIDES, a Centre for Interdisciplinary research on business law issues, aims to analyse, on the one hand, the role of law in business and its environment and, on the other hand, the function of business in society .
This study relies on the belief that legal rules must be understood in context, according to the "law and society" approach.
The centre brings together four research groups dealing with i) economic and company law, ii) intellectual property and digital law, iii) social and labor law (Atelier SociAL) and iv) tax law.

Cycle de séminaires | Dialogues de la fiscalité 2024-2025
Dialogues de la fiscalité | Cycle de séminaires 2024-2025
Sous la direction scientifique du Professeur Edoardo Traversa
Pour la quinzième année consécutive, l’équipe de droit fiscal de l’UCLouvain organise Les Dialogues de la fiscalité, dans le cadre de la Chaire PwC. Cette initiative se veut un espace de rencontre et d’échange entre personnes issues des différents « métiers de la fiscalité ».
Cette édition sera précédée en décembre 2024 d’une séance inaugurale au cours de laquelle Fabrizia Lapecorella, secrétaire générale adjointe de l’OCDE, notamment en charge de la fiscalité, tiendra une conférence sur le sujet de la taxation internationale qui sera suivie par un panel de discussion. Le prix du meilleur mémoire sera également attribué lors de cette soirée.
Cette édition se déclinera en quatre séminaires, chacun de ceux-ci abordant les actualités d’une branche de la fiscalité.
Le premier séminaire traitera de l’actualité en matière de fiscalité patrimoniale et, notamment, les aspects internationaux de la fiscalité patrimoniale ainsi que les récentes évolutions au niveau de la taxe Caïman et la refonte des droits d’enregistrement et de succession en Région wallonne.
Le deuxième séminaire concernera l’actualité en matière de fiscalité immobilière, tant d’un point de vue des impôts directs que des impôts indirects.
Le troisième séminaire se concentrera sur la procédure fiscale et plus particulièrement les évolutions jurisprudentielles de certaines thématiques. Il permettra d’aborder les développements en matière de base minimale de taxation en cas d’accroissement d’impôt, de délais spéciaux d’investigation et d’imposition ou encore concernant les articles 355-356 du CIR92. La problématique de l’autorité de chose jugée des décisions contraires au droit communautaire fera aussi l’objet d’un exposé.
Enfin, le quatrième séminaire clôturera le cycle en étudiant l’actualités en matière d’impôts sur les revenus et, notamment, les nouveautés envisagées au niveau fédéral. Ce sera l’occasion d’analyser le projet de réforme fiscale qui devrait déjà avoir été adopté d’ici-là.
Mardi 10 décembre 2024 | 17h45-19h30 | Soirée inaugurale
Jeudi 30 janvier 2025 | 8h30-12h30 | Actualités en matière de fiscalité patrimoniale
Jeudi 20 février 2025 | 8h30-12h30 | Actualités en matière de fiscalité immobilière
Jeudi 20 mars 2025 | 8h30-12h30 | Actualités en matière de procédure fiscale
Jeudi 10 avril 2025 | 8h30-12h30 | Actualités en matière d'impôts sur les revenus
- Soirée inaugurale: 50 euros
- Séminaire: 100 euros par séminaire
- Cycle complet: 350 euros pour le cycle de 4 séminaires
- Gratuit pour les chercheurs, les doctorants et les étudiants (participation et pause-café uniquement)
Inscription payante via ce lien :
Inscription gratuite via ce lien :
Adresse | UCLouvain, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Accès | Autoroute E411, sortie n°8a, Louvain-la-Neuve | Train: Gare de Louvain-la-Neuve
Parking | Parking gratuit Aula Magna | code parking: 9024
Accréditations | OBFG & ITAA
Contact: | tel +32 (0)10 47 32 84
Journée d'étude | Le DSA à l’épreuve des faits (14/01/25)
Journée d’étude - La villa numeris
Le DSA à l’épreuve des faits
Bilan et perspectives
UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles | 14/01/25
Bd du Jardin Botanique 43, 1000 Bruxelles | Salle de conférence P02
Mise en œuvre de l’Acte pour les services numériques.
Premier bilan avec les acteurs et des universitaires.
Quels effets sur la liberté d’expression ?
10h30 | Accueil, café
11h00 | Ouverture
- Mot de bienvenue par Benoît Grevisse et Alain Strowel
- Mot d'accueil par David Lacombled
- Présentation des travaux et de la journée par Thaima Samman et Pascal Beauvais
11h15 | Première table ronde : Quels acteurs pour encadrer la liberté d’expression : la nouvelle articulation plateformes / organes extrajudiciaires / juge – autorités nationales
- Session modérée par Valérie-Laure Benabou, Professeure de droit privé à l’Université Paris-Saclay
- Michel Van Bellinghen, Président de l’IBPT
- Valère Ndior, professeur de droit public à l’Université de Bretagne occidentale
- Représentant·e d’une entreprise
12h30 | Cocktail déjeunatoire
14h00 | Deuxième table ronde : Supervision, contrôles et responsabilités des acteurs dans la mise en œuvre du DSA (en particulier rôle de la commission européenne, de la CJUE et questionnement sur le régime de responsabilité)
- Session modérée par Pascal Beauvais, Professeur à l’Université de Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Rita Wezenbeek, Director, European Commission, DG Connect, Platforms Policy and Enforcement (CNECT.F)
- Enguerrand Marique, professeur de droit de l’information et de la communication de l’UCLouvain
- Représentant·e d’une plateforme
15h15 | Troisième table ronde : Les nouveaux défis fake news, guerre informationnelle, ingérences étrangères : la place des médias et de l’intelligence artificielle
- Session modérée par Benoît Grevisse, professeur à l’Ecole de Journalisme de l'UCLouvain
- Charlotte Michils, secrétaire générale de la VVJ, Vlaamse Vereniging van Journalisten
- Alain Strowel, professeur en droit du numérique et de la communication à l’UCLouvain
- Antonin Descampe, professeur en innovation médiatique à l’Ecole de Journalisme de l'UCLouvain
- Jean-Paul Philippot, administrateur général de la RTBF
16h15 | Echange entre les participant·es
17h00 | Séance de restitution ouverte au public
- Mise en perspective des principaux enseignements de la journée avec le rapport intermédiaire du groupe de travail Libex de La villa numeris.
17h30 | Keynote de conclusion
18h00 | Cocktail de clôture
Comité scientifique | Valérie-Laure Benabou, Pascal Beauvais, Benoît Grevisse, Farah Safi et Alain Strowel.
Comité organisateur | Marion Boige, Emma Dulas, Benoît Grevisse, David Lacombled, François Lhemery, Clément Maertens, Lavinia Rotili.
Ressources | Rapport intermédiaire publié le 10 octobre 2024 (.fr) >> Télécharger | (.en) >> Download

Webinaire | DRAILS | The Situation in Romania (18.12.24)
Panel workshop on the annulation of the presidential election by the Supreme Court due to a disinformation operation on social media.
Online Workshop
18th December 2024 | 12am - 1pm CET
Join us for an urgent panel workshop as we discuss the recent developments in Romania, where the Supreme Court has annulled the first round of the presidential election. This unprecedented action comes in response to warnings from security services about alleged Russian influence in the political campaign of ultranationalist candidate Călin Georgescu, reportedly facilitated through a disinformation operation on the social network TikTok.
To unpack these critical events, DRAILS is pleased to present a panel featuring three esteemed members:
- Dr. Diana Mocanu (University of Helsinki) : expert in legal issues surrounding AI and a Romanian citizen
- Jean De Meyere (KU Leuven/UCLouvain): pursuing a PhD on online platform governance and disinformation
- Clément Maertens (UCLouvain) : researcher on political disinformation through the lens of media and AI
During the workshop, our panelists will provide a factual overview of the situation and explore how legislation, including the latest European instruments such as the Digital Services Act (DSA), is poised to respond.
As always, we encourage audience participation, ensuring an engaging and insightful dialogue with our speakers!
> read more and register online to receive the connection link
Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS) is a CPDR - CRIDES research project

Webinar | DRAILS | AI Liability in the EU (5.12.24)
Dr. Béatrice Schütte
Online Workshop
5th December 2024 | 12am - 1pm CET
In September 2022, the EU Commission published a proposal for an AI Liability Directive.
Since then, not much has happened as discussions had been suspended to await the adoption of the AI Act. In the meantime, discussions are ongoing as to whether the scope of the Directive should be extended to general-purpose AI. Some EU Member States are allegedly also striving to abandon the project of harmonising liability for damage caused by AI completely.
This presentation will give an overview of the proposal and the current state of the discussions.
> read more and register online to receive the connection link
Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS) is a CPDR - CRIDES research project

Webinar | Drails | Human-centred Transformation of EU Digital Policy (19.11.24)
Werner Stengg
Online Workshop
19th November 2024 | 12 am- 1 pm CET
This presentation follows the EU's journey into the digital age, explaining how it uses legislation and policy to tackle challenges such as the abuse of market power by Big Tech companies and the spread of hate speech and disinformation.
Werner Stengg draws on his extensive experience in shaping digital policy to expertly analyse the EU’s ambitious legislative and innovation programme, which focuses on human rights and prioritises trustworthy, transparent, and accountable usage of digital technologies. Alongside this examination of legislation and policy, Stengg also outlines the EU’s major investment agenda into the digital infrastructures required to become a global player in our data-driven and AI-powered economy. Ultimately, he highlights that innovations in the digital sphere are essential not only for the global competitiveness of European companies, but also for Europe to safeguard its resilience, autonomy, and technological sovereignty at a time of mounting geopolitical tensions.
> read more and register online to receive the connection link
Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS) is a CPDR - CRIDES research project

Webinar DRAILS | F. Bostoen "Creation and Competition in the Metaverse" (7/11/24)
Friso Bostoen
Online Workshop
7th November 2024 | 12 am- 1 pm CET
The metaverse is a futuristic concept. It was first articulated in science fiction but has been pursued by corporations ever since. Due to technical limitations, the metaverse still lies in the future. Nevertheless, it is worthy of reflection today, also by legal scholars. The reason is that two essential aspects of the metaverse, namely interconnection between virtual worlds and a thriving creator economy, may never be achieved without legal intervention. In other words, whether the metaverse ever comes into existence depends not only on developers but also—-even if more modestly—on lawyers. This paper shows how. It starts by describing the metaverse, from its literary history to contemporary manifestations and then tackles two key issues, interoperability and distribution, from a competition law and policy perspective.
> read more and register online to receive the connection link
Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS) is a CPDR - CRIDES research project

Journées euro-africaines 2023 de droit économique | 20 et 21 avril 2023
20 ET 21 AVRIL 2023
THEME 1 : La lutte contre la corruption et le blanchiment
THEME 2 : Droit(s) économique(s) et genre en Europe et en Afrique
THEME 3 : Libre circulation des entreprises et des travailleurs en Afrique et en Europe
L’Institut euro-africain de droit économique (INEADEC), en partenariat avec le Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire droit, entreprise et société (CRIDES) de l’UCLouvain, a le plaisir de vous inviter à ses premières Journées euro-africaines 2023 de droit économique.
Ces journées aborderont trois thèmes au cœur de l’actualité des relations entre l’Europe et l’Afrique : la lutte contre la corruption et le blanchiment, la promotion de l’égalité de genre dans les relations économiques et privées, et la mobilité internationale des travailleurs et des entreprises en Europe et en Afrique. Chaque thème sera traité par des experts africains et européens, issus du monde académique et des professions juridiques.
Ces journées s'adressent essentiellement aux juristes intéressés par les enjeux du droit économique international entre Afrique et Europe.
Sous la direction scientifique de: Edoardo Traversa, Mahmoud Mohamed Salah, Frédérique Chifflot Bourgeois, Michel De Wolf, Nicola Ehlermann, Joseph Jehl et Grégoire Bakandeja wa Mpungu
Sous la présidence d'Alain Strowel, professeur à l'UCLouvain Saint-Louis
Intervenant.e.s: Isaac Brock Muhambya, Neila Chaabane, Christian De Valkeneer, Justine Diffo, Paul Nicolas Gomes Olamba, Véronique Goncalves, Khalid Hamdani, Trésor Gauthier Kalonji, Djibril Kane, Mariame Krauer-Diaby, Philippe Lambrecht, Patricia Mathys, Mark Pieth, Myriam Sanou, Nafissatou Tine et Chiara Vitucci
Les inscriptions pour une participation en présentiel ou en distanciel se font uniquement en ligne via le lien ci-dessous, au plus tard le 14 avril 2023. (place limitée en présentiel)
Les droits d'inscription sont de 100 euros pour l'ensemble des journées, payables après réception de notre facture. Lunch sandwich et pause-café inclus.
L'inscription est gratuite (mais obligatoire) pour les membres de l'INEADEC (en ordre de cotisation), les chercheurs, doctorants, et étudiants.
Attention, les personnes inscrites en présentiel qui ne seront pas présentes se verront facturer une indemnité forfaitaire de 100 euros, en compensation des frais de catering inutilement exposés.
Contact : | tel: +32 (0)10 47 32 84 | disponible sur Microsoft Teams

Globax Tax Symposium 2020 (10 Dec 20) | Online Conference
ONLINE CONFERENCE | Thursday 10 December 2020
08:30 - 19:00 | ECT (Brussels)
18:30 - 05:00 | UTC+11 (Melbourne)
04:40 - 13:00 | EST (New-York)
-Prof. Edoardo Traversa (UCLouvain),
-Prof. Miranda Stewart (University of Melbourne),
-Ass.-Prof. Eduardo Baistrocchi (LSE - London School of Economics)
The mission of the Global Tax Symposia (GTS) is to be an interdisciplinary mobile research platform on fundamental issues of international and comparative taxation. It is grounded on the belief that crossing African, American, Asian-Pacific and European perspectives is beneficial to all participants, especially in the current political and economic global context. It aims to offer young researchers and more experienced scholars a forum where to discuss five to six papers every year in different cities on all continents. Each paper is discussed by an interdisciplinary and intercontinental panel whose members are leading tax academics, administrators, policymakers and practitioners.
The following institutions support the initiative : Chinese University of Hong Kong and Wuhan University (People's Republic of China), London School of Economics (United Kingdom), UC Louvain (Belgium), University of Melbourne (Australia), University of Pretoria (South Africa), Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina), National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (India) and New York University (United States of America).
The 2020 Global Tax Symposium was held online using the platform of UCLouvain, and co-hosted by London School of Economics and the University of Melbourne.
I. CHAIR: Prof. Miranda Stewart, University of Melbourne08:30 ECT (Brussels) | 18:30 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 02:30 EST (New-York): BEPS AND GLOBAL TAX CHALLENGES - SEEN FROM THE ASIA PACIFIC REGION-Maryanne Mrakovcic, Deputy Secretary of the Australian Treasury, Head of Revenue Group
II. CHAIR: Prof. Eduardo Baistrocchi, LSE09:30 ECT (Brussels) | 19:30 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 03:30 EST (New-York): THE INSTITUTIONS AND PROCESS OF INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC TAX REFORM: HOW IS BEPS CHANGING TAX LAW?-Prof. Miranda Stewart, University of Melbourne DISCUSSION:-Prof. Pasquale Pistone, University of Salerno/WU Vienna/IBFD
10 minute break III. CHAIR: Prof. Edoardo Traversa, UCLouvain10:40 ECT (Brussels) | 20:40 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 04:40 EST (New-York): TAXATION OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY-Prof. Wei Xiong, Wuhan University DISCUSSION:-Assoc Prof Martin Hearson, Institute of Development Studies & International Centre for Tax and Development
11:50 ECT (Brussels) | 21:50 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 05:50 EST (New-York): TAX MEASURES TO ACHIEVE THE 2030 UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN AFRICA FACED WITH THE COVID-19 ECONOMIC FALLOUT-Prof. Annet Oguttu, University of Pretoria, South Africa DISCUSSION:-Prof. Rita de la Feria, Leeds University, UK
13:00 ECT (Brussels) | 23:00 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 07:00 EST (New-York): CLOSE OF THE MORNING SESSIONIV. CHAIR: Prof. Eduardo Baistrocchi, LSE14:30 ECT (Brussels) | 00:30 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 08:30 EST (New-York): TAXATION AND VALUE CREATION - A FRAMEWORK FOR INTERNATIONAL REFORM-Prof. Werner Haslehner, University of Luxembourg DISCUSSION:-Prof. Yariv Brauner, University of Florida
15:40 ECT (Brussels) | 01:40 UTC+11 (Melbourne) | 09:40 EST (New-York): CREATIVE ENFORCEMENT: A BOURDIEUSIAN APPROACH ON HOW TAX AUTHORITIES ATTEMPT TO IMPLEMENT PROBLEMATIC TAX LAWS-Ass.- Prof. Rodrigo A. Ormeño Pérez, Universidad de ChileDISCUSSION:-Prof. Jerome Monsenego, Stockholm University
10 minute break V. CHAIR: Prof. Edoardo Traversa, UCLouvain

Webconference | Nexus and Jurisdiction in EU and International Tax Law (17/09/2020 -18/09/2020)
It is our pleasure to announce that the Group for Research on European and International Taxation (GREIT) will hold its next Conference on the 17 and 18 September 2020.
The topic of this event will be Nexus and Jurisdiction in International and EU Tax law and it will be hosted online by the Research Center on Law, Economy and Society (CRIDES) of UCLouvain.
14:00-14:30 : Introduction by Juliane Kokott, Adocate General, Court of Justice of the European Union
14:30-18:00 | Afternoon Session - Nexus and Jurisdiction in International (tax) law
14:30-15:30 :
Nexus and jurisdiction: the nature of the tax nexus requirement by Philip Baker, QC, University of Oxford
Comments from a public international law perspective by Pierre d'Argent, UCLouvain
Open Discussion
15:30-15:45 | Break
15:45-17:15 :
Tax nexus and non-resident companies by Stjepan Gadžo, University of Rijeka
Nexus, Digitalization and Democracy by Ana Paula Dourado, University of Lisbon
Nexus, residence and citizenship by Ruth Mason, University of Virginia
Open Discussion
17:15-17:30 | Break
17:30-18:30 : Open Roundtable “Nexus and developing countries : the impact of OECD Pillar I and II” by Irma Mosquera, Leiden University (introduction), Esperanza Buitrago Diaz, Maastricht University & Michael Lennard, United Nations
09:00-12:30 | Morning Session - Tax nexus and European Union law
Nexus and Jurisdiction : a private international law perspective by Pietro Franzina, Catholic University Milan
Multiplication of nexus requirements in EU tax law after BEPS and ATAD: consequences for the Internal market by Pasquale Pistone, University of Salerno/IBFD/WU Wien
EU direct Harmonization of tax nexus: lessons from past experiences by Cécile Brokelind, Lund University
Open Discussion
10:30-10:45 | Break
10:45-11:30 :
Tax nexus and reform of the EU own resources system by Edoardo Traversa, UCLouvain
Comments from a VAT and Customs perspective by Marya Senyk, Lund University & Elena Masseglia, UCLouvain
Open Discussion
11:30-12:30 : Conclusive Roundtable “Tax nexus and digitalization” by Richard Lyal, Formerly EU Commission, Ioanna Mitroyanni, EU Commission & Jérôme Monsenego, Stockholm University
Open Discussion
Conclusion by Melchior Wathelet, former First Advocate General, Court of Justice of the European Union
* * *
The number of participants is limited and therefore we kindly ask you to register at the latest on September 10, 2020, by filling the Registration form via the following link.
Edoardo Traversa, Cécile Brokelind, Ana Paula Dourado, Dennis Weber, Pasquale Pistone

Amicus Curia Workshop on the EPSU Case (European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), Jan Goudriaan vs European Commission) - On the promotion of the European Social Dialogue | 16/09/20
Amicus Curia Workshop on the EPSU Case (European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), Jan Goudriaan vs European Commission) - On the promotion of the European Social Dialogue
16 September 2020 (8.30 – 12.30 am)
!!! The participants to the Conference can assist in an active (at the University Foundation – Brussels) or passive way (at distance -Teams).
► Free entrance but online registration required before 12 September 2020
The Atelier de droit social of the UCLouvain in a partnership with the School of European Studies, UClouvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, the Institut d’études européennes ULB, Bruxelles and the Institute for European Studies, USaintLouis, Brussels, will organize an academic workshop, at the Fondation universitaire of Brussels.
As suggested to us by Silvia Borelli of the University of Ferrara, we will mould this workshop on the pre-existing format of a long standing Italian tradition of facilitating a dialogue between academia and the Italian Constitutional Court ( It is worthwhile to expand this tradition to cases which come up before the CJEU.
Academic Committee: Filip Dorssemont (Atelier de droit social-Crides, UCLouvain), Silvia Borelli (University of Ferrara), Edoardo Traversa (Crides -School of European Studies, UCLouvain), Antoine Bailleux (Institute for European Studies, USaintLouis Brussels), Emmanuelle Bribosia (Institut d’études européennes, ULB)
8.30 Coffee 9.00 Welcome and Introduction by the Chair by Silvia Borelli, University of Ferrara and Filip Dorssemont, University of Louvain 9.10 Contextualisation: The notion of central Government Administration and the scope of EU law by Jacques Ziller, University of Pavia 9.20 The history of the EU Social Dialogue by Jean-Paul Tricart, ETUI 9.30 The hermeneutics of the General Court by Filip Dorssemont, University of Louvain 9.40 On the notion of general interest and a perspective of Substantive Constitutionalization by Fotis Vergis, University of Manchester and Klaus Loercher, former référendaire Civil Service Tribunal 10.00 Question time 10.30 Coffee break 10.40 On appropriateness and legality checks by Silvia Rainone, KU Leuven and ETUI 10.50 Horizontal Subsidiarity by Mélanie Schmitt, Strasbourg University, Antonio Garcia Munoz, University of Luxembourg and Massimilano Delfino, University Frederico II, Naples 11.20 The relevance of the European Pillar on Social Rights by Beryl Ter Haar, Leiden University and Warschau University 11.30 The nature of an Act implementing an Agreement: a (non) legislative measure? by Pieter-Augustijn Van Mallegem, University of Louvain 11.50 Question time 12.00 – 12.30 Conclusion |
PRACTICAL INFORMATION ► REGISTRATION FORM - Free entrance but online registration required before 12 September 2020 *Your email address is included in our databases. The latter are used to announce our activities and to organize our conferences and workshops. In compliance with the General Regulation on personal data protection, you have the right to access these data and, if necessary, to ask for the rectification or the deletion. *Any participant unable to attend may be replaced by the person of his/her choice or may receive the documentation. The cancellation shall be communicated no later than three working days before the seminar. * For a Webinar, by validating the registration form, the participant gives his consent to display his name and email address in the list of participants viewed on Microsoft Teams * Please note that the event will be recorded. The participants agree with the recording and the dissemination. ► Venue | The participants to the Conference can assist in an active or passive way -at distance (Teams) -practical information will be sent to participants - HOW TO JOIN A MICROSOFT TEAMS MEETING FROM AN INVITATION RECEIVED BY EMAIL OR -at the University Foundation ( ) Address: Egmontstraat 11 rue d’Egmont - 1000 Brussels ► Documentation | Available using this link ► Contact |